Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Samoa relief update. 20 October 2009

Ms Adi of Women in Business Development (local Samoan NGO who has been providing amazing coordination for the relief efforts writes "Lise and Nithian arrived here safely and delivered the medical supplies and Lise leaves here tonight. We just can't thank you enough for all your help and support. Lise has been overwhelming in what she has done in the very short time she has been here. She has counselled individuals from our organisation and others and today she did a workshop for our staff and counsellors from two NGOs that have been working in the disaster area, but have expertise in suicide and family issues. She even worked all day Saturday and Sunday! I don't know where she gets the energy from" Picture.. Liese Groot Alberts

Mr Nithinan was sent from AMDA HQ, Japan to bring badly needed medical supplies and Liese Groot Alberts (see www.RoseCharitiesPeople.org ) is one of NZ's top grief and trauma counselors.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Grief and trauma counsellor Liese Groot Alberts to visit Samoa

Liese Groot-Alberts, one of New Zealand's foremost grief and trauma counselors is to visit Samoa to assist with families and individuals who have experienced shock and loss. Liese has extensive international experience. She trained with Dr Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. The trip will be organized by Rose Charities and AMDA Canada and assisted by the local Samoan organization, Women in Business Development See www.liesegrootalberts.com

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tsunami relief assistance to W. Samoa

Rose Charities New Zealand is providing assistane to tsunami affected families though local counterpart organization 'Women in Business Development' www.womeninbusiness.ws' This organization is locally based, has been working to assist women and families for many years, and has an excellent reputation for community level projects. It has direct contact with many families who have been severely affected by the September tsunami and can take funding directly down to those in need without a heavy administrational interface. In short its mode of operation, organization and function is very much in keeping with the direct 'people-helping-people approach of Rose Charities.

Donations to Rose Charities for Samoa relief are tax deductable for USA, and Canadian citizens ( see RoseCharitiesUSA.com and rosecharities.ca ) and qualify for 'gift aid' in the UK (see www.roseharities.org.uk ) . They will also be implemented by the route above.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Emergency Relief for Philippines, Samoa, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia

The last 2 weeks has seen a terrible chain of disasters. Rose Charities is helping both on its own and through AMDA Canada. AMDA is a major international relief organization founded and based in Okayama, Japan www.amda.or.jp or www.amdainternational.org as follows.

  • Direct aid through Rose Charities Vietnam to the Hue area (where Rose Charities Vietnam has a project)
  • Direct assistance to Samoa through Rose Charities NZ www.Rose-Charities.org
  • Assistance to Cambodia through Rose Charities organizations and/or AMDA.
  • Assistance to Padang Indonesia through linkage with AMDA Canada and AMDA International (which works closely with AMDA Indonesia
  • Assistance to the Philippines through AMDA Canada and/or local contacts
Donations for any or all of these efforts are welcomed. Please see www.RoseCharities.org , wwwRoseCharitiesUSA.com, www.RoseCharities.org.uk, www.RoseCharities.ca etc

Further reports will appear on this site

Samoa update 1 Oct 09 from Rose Charities New Zealand

Health Minister Tony Ryall has asked for health professionals who want to volunteer to help in Samoa. Ryall has received a request from the Samoan government for orthopaedic and general surgeons, theatre nurses, anaesthetists and post-operative staff.

Ryall says the Ministry of Health's National Health Co-ordination Centre is working with District Health Boards to compile a register of health professionals wanting to help.

Samoa's National Hospital is focusing its efforts on helping the injured. Clinical services director Lemalu Fiu says medical staff from across the country are being brought in to assist in the affected area and staff are seeking out those injured in remote areas.

Nineteen New Zealanders are among the injured and Labour's Foreign Affairs spokesman has visited 11 of them in a hospital in Apia. Chris Carter says they have a range of injuries, including some with serious internal injuries. He says the New Zealanders have had great treatment in hospital in Samoa and every one has a harrowing survival story, but they all want to come home as soon as possible.

And tradespeople are also being asked to volunteer their services. Habitat for Humanity is asking for help with the clean up as residents look to rebuild