The Canadian Government is assisting victims of the November 2010 Cambodia Water Festival Disaster by an emergency Canda Fund grant through Rose Charities Cambodia Surgical Center / Operation First Cambodia. Over 400 persons lost their lives in a stampede over a small footbridge linking an island in the Tonle Sap river just offshore from Phnom Penh, and the mainland. In addition many persons were injured and need medical, surgical and rehabilitative assistance. Cambodia Surgical Center which is run by Operation First at Chea Chumneas Hospital houses some of Cambodia's leading surgical facilities in Camboida as well as a international standard physiotherapy unit. It is anticipated that several hundred survivors are in current need of assistance and will be helped by Canadian generosity.
With the generous support of the Body Shop Foundation, and other private donors, The Asolate Stoves Project, in the Kicukiro District of Kigali, has been able to start stove production. Fourteen technicians are currently working with fourteen youth to build several different styles of coal-burning stoves. News of these stoves has traveled, and demand is high. People from other provinces are requesting Asolate’s stoves, which is very encouraging! The stoves are incredibly efficient. They should reduce the amount of wood needed for cooking, with is highly beneficial to the environment. In addition they provide skills and income generation. Asolate is is a member project of Rose Charities Canada
Through innovative, self-sustaining projects and partnerships, Rose Charities supports communities to improve quality of life. We do this within a framework of volunteerism that places emphasis on results. By linking people and working together we all benefit. The Rose Charities international network of independent organizations are not-for-profit secular and non-political